Hypnotherapy & Counselling for Children
Does your child suffer from anxiety issues, behaviour problems, learning difficulties, toileting or eating issues? Parenting a child in this day and age is difficult. There are so many issues that children in our modern world have to deal with, that as parents, we often don’t know where to turn to for the right help for our child.
A child’s life can be full of discovery and of learning. But that discovery and learning can also, at times, be very stressful for children. As adults we can often forget the strongly experienced emotions of our childhoods, and the problems they can sometimes cause. The great news is though, if tackled early, these issues can be easily resolved, leaving your child anxiety and issue free.
One of the reasons that hypnotherapy for children can be such a positive experience is that children make such good use of their imaginations. Our therapist’s treatment might include the use of stories and adventures, such as meeting a superhero or even a character from a favourite TV programme. Even an older child can often be open to using their imagination, but as they are already more sophisticated in their thinking, we would format their treatment accordingly.
When using hypnotherapy for children it is often not necessary to explain in detail “hypnosis”. It may simply be explained that they will be having a relaxed and quiet time in which they use their imagination to go on an incredible, and fun journey. It is often important that the child is willing to resolve the problem or behaviour themselves, and to be part of the therapeutic process. Many times, our younger clients have enjoyed the sessions so much, they often want to return long after the issue, or issues have been resolved. In these instances, we offer mp3 recordings of the sessions.
When we are using hypnotherapy for children, we often find that participation of the parent in this therapeutic process is important. A parent’s anxiety about a behaviour or issue, can often make change more difficult for the child. Many times, parents have reported experiencing great personal benefit from the sessions themselves.
This makes hypnosis and counselling for child anxiety a great benefit in the healthy development of your child. Some children naturally outgrow their fears, phobias and anxieties; however, others continue to retain these into their adult lives. Fears often come and go for no apparent reason. A traumatic incident does not have to occur for a child to suddenly be afraid of something. As a rule the earlier an issue can be resolved the more positive the outcome for your child.
Children cannot be willed out of fear, phobia or anxiety. If your child doesn't want to go to school, he or she may have school phobia or school refusal. This is a real disorder for children.
Are you and your child struggling in any of these areas:
• Bed wetting (enuresis or encopresis)
• Thumb-sucking
• Weight or food related issues
• Sibling rivalry, birth of a new sibling
• Confidence and self-esteem
• Temper tantrums and aggression
• Trauma
• Stuttering
• School phobia/School anxiety/School Refusal
• Transitions such as death of a pet or loved one, moving, divorce
• Learning or test/S.A.T.S anxiety
• Sports performance anxiety
• Public speaking
• Shyness
In our society today, many young people are struggling with how they feel. They can experience issues with friends, family or school. Often, they need to talk to someone, but find it difficult to talk to people they know. Counselling will help them talk things through and support them without making them feel judged.
Kids and teens need therapy when they have problems they can't cope with alone. Or they need help when problems affect how well they do, feel, or act. If things don't get better on their own, children may need the help of a Counsellor so things can improve more quickly and permanently. Sometimes, entire families need support while trying to communicate, learn, and create boundaries.
When a child is suffering from mental, social or emotional, or psychological distress and/or trauma, it can be hard to cope with, especially when you feel like nothing is working or there’s nothing you can do to remedy the situation.That is when working with a counsellor can be extremely beneficial.
Counselling for children is particularly helpful for:
· Children who find it difficult to acquire social skills.
· Children who have experienced loss through family breakdown or bereavement.
· Children who have experienced abuse.
· Children with low self-esteem, anxiety or depression.
· Children whose behaviours are potentially life threatening.
“Children are likely to live up to what you believe of them.”